NHS Alumni Gatherings...

*** Please send NHS '86 alumni reunion submissions to nolitamorgan@sbcglobal.net *** (click pics to enlarge)
Leroy and Kitten Dee Anne Herron, Julie Trent Denton, Samona Hendricks Votaw and her hubby, Nolita Stewart Morgan, Suzanne Nichols Van Cooten, Matt Carter and Darrin Moser on the patio at Brother's Tammy Miller Arce and Nolita Stewart Morgan Darrin, Dee Anne, Nolita, Tammy and Matt (clockwise from top left)
"Leroy" (John Chitwood) and "Kitten" making us happy at the Brother's mini-reunion
Dee Anne Herron, Julie Trent Denton, Samona Hendricks Votaw and her hubby, Nolita Stewart Morgan, Suzanne Nichols Van Cooten, Matt Carter and Darrin Moser on the patio at Brother's  Tammy Miller Arce and Nolita
Darrin, Dee Anne, Nolita, Tammy and Matt (clockwise from top left)

Brother's Patio Shot Brother's Patio Shot John Chitwood and Matt Carter

Group Shot on the patio at Brothers
Stacy Davenport and Matt Carter
John Chitwood and Matt Carter

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